Showing posts with label Freeware. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Freeware. Show all posts

Sunday, June 3, 2012


Interface Web Base
Deskripsi Deskripsi:
Aplikasi ini menangani masalah pembayaran iuran tv kabel yang meliputi Registrasi Pelanggan Baru, Iuran/Tagihan, Tunggakan, Denda, Pendapatan, Status Pelanggan, Mutasi pelanggan dan yang lainnya yang berhubungan dengan system pembayaran TV Kabel. Sistem Iuran yang digunakan dalam system ini adalah system iuran pelanggan per Hari (system pembayaran pelanggan perbulan akan tetapi waktu pembayarannya berdasarkan pada tanggal saat awal instalasi).
Jenis : Web Aplication
Modul Aplikasi:
1. Master data:
      => Operator/user
      => Pegawai
      => Tarif Iuran
      => Bagian, Jabatan, Node
2. Pelayanan TV Kabel
      => Cetak Nota
      => Pembayaran Lunas
      => Pengaduan Pelanggan
3. Administrasi TV Kabel
      => Instalasi Baru
      => Data Setoran
      => Pelanggan Putus
      => Mutasi Pelanggan
      => Perbaikan Data
4. Teknik
      => Perbaikan Gangguan
      => Laporan Perbaikan
5. Report Master data
      => Report Pegawai
      => Report tariff dan Denda
      => Report Pelanggan
6. Report Transaksi
      => Pembayaran Iuran
      => Report Tunggakan
      => Pendapatan TV Kabel
      => Rekap Pembayaran
      => Balance Sheet Setoran


Interface Web Base
Deskripsi Deskripsi:
Aplikasi ini menangani masalah transaksi penjualan, pembelian, stock barang , retur, sampai transaksi hutang/piutang. Aplikasi ini juga akan memberikan laporan dalam bentuk laporan keuangan yang meliputi jurnal umum, buku besar, R/L dan lain lain, yang akan secara otomatis tergenerate dari transaksi yang dilakukan.
Jenis : Web Aplication
Modul Aplikasi :
1. Data User

2. Master Data
      2.1. Items
      2.1. Supplier
      2.1. Customer

3. Transaksi
      3.1. Pembelian
      3.2. Penjualan
      3.3. Retur Beli
      3.4. Retur Jual
      3.5. Hutang
      3.6. Piutang
      3.7. Beban Biaya

4. Laporan :
      4.1. Laporan Master
      4.2. Laporan Jual/Beli
      4.3. Laporan Retur
      4.4. Laporan Hutang Piutang
      4.5. Jurnal Transaksi
            => Jurnal
            => Buku Besar
            => Neraca
            => Rugi Laba


Interface Web Base
Deskripsi Deskripsi:
Aplikasi ini menangani masalah transaksi Laundry yang meliputi , transaksi penjualan (jasa) , status transaksi , sistem point rewards , sistem paket laundry , sistem promo gratis, data base pelanggan, data base agen, cash flow keuangan, data laba rugi, sistem check list laundry, sistem tagihan dan transaksi lainnya.

Jenis : Web Aplication


Interface Web Base
Deskripsi Deskripsi:
Aplikasi ini adalah program database untuk mengontrol persediaan barang di perusahaan Anda. menangani masalah transaksi Inventori yang meliputi Purchasing Order, stock barang , retur, mutasi barang, transaksi hutang/piutang dan transaksi yang lain yang berhubungan dengan system inventory.

Jenis : Web Aplication

Modul Aplikasi:

1. Fitur Master Data
      Data pegawai
      Data Customer

2. Fitur Transaksi
      Purchasing Order (PO) Barang
            PO Masuk
            PO Keluar
      Pembelian Barang
      Pemakaian Barang
      Penjualan Barang
      Mutasi Barang
      Retur Barang
            Retur Masuk
            Retur Keluar
      Stock Opname
      Data Stock Barang
      Pelunasan Hutang

3. Management User
      Perubahan Password User
      Data User Sistem
      Setting Privilage User
      Log Aktifitas User

4. Fitur Laporan
      Laporan Master
      Laporan Data Order
      Laporan Pembelian
      Laporan Penjualan
      Laporan Mutasi Barang
      Laporan Retur Barang
      Stock Barang
      Rekap Pengambilan Barang
      Laporan Hutang Piutang
      Laporan HPP Barang

5. Setting Aplikasi
      Setting Data Perusahaan
      Setting Aplikasi


Interface Desktop
Deskripsi Deskripsi:
Aplikasi ini menangani system pembayaran tour DAN travel. Yang meliputi pendaftaran agent, order, ticketing, tour, Refund dan lainnya. Hingga masuk ke pelaporan keuangannya.

Jenis : Desktop

Modul Aplikasi:

1. Master Data
      => Data Supplier
      => Customer/Agent
      => Master Pegawai
      => No Akun (COA)
      => Item/Ticket
      => Plafon Agent
2. Ticketing Order
      => Pendaftaran Agent
      => Order Masuk
      => Laporan Order Masuk
3. Transaksi Pembelian
      => Order Item
      => Pembelian
      => Refund Pembelian
4. Transaksi Penjualan
      => Ticketing/Hotel
      => Tour
      => Refund Penjualan
5. Transaksi Penagihan
      => Cetak Tagihan
      => Laporan Tagihan
6. Modul Keuangan
      => Setting COA Transaksi
      => Setting Saldo Awal
      => Approve Transaksi
      => Pembuatan Jurnal
      => Posting Data
      => Laporan Neraca
      => Laporan Rugi Laba
7. Laporan Transaksi
      => Laporan Master
            >> Supplier
            >> Customer
            >> Pegawai
            >> Data COA
      => Laporan Order
            >> Order Pembelian
            >> Order Penjualan
      => Laporan Pembelian
      => Laporan Penjualan
      => Laporan Tagihan
      => Laporan Refund
            >> Refund Pembelian
            >> Refund Penjualan
8. Management User
      => Data User
      => Privilage User
      => Setting password Login
9. Setting Aplikasi
      => Setting Nama Perusahaan
      => Setting Aplikasi

Wednesday, June 29, 2011


WinRAR provides the full RAR and ZIP file support.

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Ulead COOL 3D 3.0

The must-have tool for Web and video designers, Ulead COOL 3D 3.0
gives you dynamite 3D titles and animations without the complexity
of traditional 3D programs.

Ulead COOL 3D 3.0 is the perfect tool for Web pages, digital video,
multimedia titles, presentations and more.


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SmartBackup 2.13

There is an alternative to just backing up the whole harddisk: an easy way to backup and restore your files. That is SmartBackup.

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Emergency hard drive recovery for PCs.
allows you to rescue a damaged hard drive
hard drive Because Data Rescue PC

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Monday, June 27, 2011


Interface Web Base
Deskripsi Deskripsi:
Aplikasi ini menangani masalah Billing/pembayaran iuran perbulan dari suatu system, permasalahan billing yang dibahas dalam aplikasi ini adalah billing dari system pembayaran TV Kabel yang meliputi Iuran/tagihan, tunggakan, denda, pendapatan, status pelanggan dan lainnya.

Jenis : Web Aplication

Modul Aplikasi:
      1. Master data:
            => Operator/user
            => Pegawai
            => Tarif Iuran
            => Pelangan
      2. Registrasi pelanggan
      3. Instalasi baru
      4. Iuran Loket/Kolektor
      5. Pengaduan pelanggan
      6. Status pelanggan
      7. Mutasi pelanggan
      8. Perbaikan gangguan
      9. Laporan :
            => Iuran/Tagihan
            => Tunggakan/Denda
            => Pendapatan
            => Pengaduan
            => Dan lainnya.

Sistem Informasi Akademik

Interface Web Base
Deskripsi Deskripsi:
Aplikasi ini menangani semua transaksi yang berhubungan dengan proses akademik suatu institusi tertentu. Penanganannya meliputi kegiatan akademik yang berupa pendaftaran mahasiswa baru, KRS, KHS, pemberian nilai dosen secara online, upload/download materi, pembayaran dan lainnya.

Jenis : Web Aplication

Modul Aplikasi:
      1. Master data:
            => Operator/user
            => Mata kuliah
            => Dosen
            => Mahasiswa
            => Kelas
      2. Pendaftaran mahasiswa
      3. KRS (Kartu rencana study)
      4. KHS (Kartu hasil study)
      5. Pembayaran
      6. Jadwal Kuliah
      7. Penilaian dosen
      8. Upload / download Materi
      9. Laporan semua transaksi.

Aplikasi Penjualan (POS)

Interface Web Base
Deskripsi Deskripsi :
Aplikasi ini menangani masalah transaksi penjualan, pembelian, stock barang , retur, sampai transaksi hutang/piutang. Aplikasi ini juga akan memberikan laporan dalam bentuk laporan keuangan yang meliputi jurnal umum, buku besar, R/L dan lain lain, yang akan secara otomatis tergenerate dari transaksi yang dilakukan.

Jenis : Web Aplication

Modul Aplikasi :
      1. Master data:
            => Operator/user
            => Items/barang
            => Supplier
            => Customer/pelanggan
      2. Purchasing/pembelian
      3. Sales/penjualan
      4. Retur
      5. Hutang/Piutang
      6. Beban biaya
      7. Laporan transaksi
      8. Laporan keuangan:
            => Jurnal umum
            => Buku besar
            => Neraca
            => Laporan rugi-laba

Sunday, June 26, 2011

RecoveryMy Files

Recover My Files data recovery software will recover deleted files emptied from the Windows Recycle Bin, or lost due to the format or corruption of a hard drive, virus or Trojan infection, unexpected system shutdown or software failure.


click the link below if you want to download files:

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PDF Converter v3.11

What is PDF Converter?                                     

  PDF  Converter is a batch conversion tool for changing text
  files into Pdf files.                                      

  It quickly convert text files to PDF format.               

  It is very powerful and easy-to-use!                       

  It allows you to customize page size,page color,font,font
  style,font size,font color,etc in the PDF files.

  It is a native converter, so you don't need to pass
  documents through PostScript.                                

  It can be run independently.does not need Adobe Acrobat.

click the link below if you want to download files:

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On Track Easy Recovery

Recover lost or inaccessible data quickly and easily.

Not all types of data loss require the assistance of an engineer.
EasyRecovery™ v5.12 software provides you with a fast and easy,
do-it-yourself software solution to recover your valuable data.

Have you lost critical data due to:
- Accidental file deletion
- Computer viruses
- Damage due to a power failure or power surge
- Software program failures
- Corrupt or missing critical file system structures
- Partitioning or boot-up problems
- Drives that have been fdisked or formatted

Recover your data quickly and easily with EasyRecovery software.
EasyRecovery is based on our 16 years of experience performing over 125,000
data recoveries. It combines cutting-edge data recovery technology and
proprietary data recovery tools to provide you with a 'do-it-yourself'
software solution to recover your valuable data.

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MySQL-Front is a front-end interface for the popular MySQL database. It allows you to manage and administer your databases from an easy to use Windows interface, rather than via the command line. It supports many functions, including create/drop databases create/drop tables, edit/add/delete fields, edit/insert/delete records, edit BLOBs and MEMOs with Bitmap/GIF/JPEG-Support, view and kill other user-processes execute (large) SQL- scripts, view advanced table-properties, replication, copy tables to new table-names, manage users, flush Host/ Logs/Privileges/Tables and much more. You can also use mySQL-Front to write SQL-queries with syntax- highlighting and export and import data from ODBC-datasources.

click the link below if you want to download files: 

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Iolo Search and Recover 2.0

provides the necessary tools to recover deleted pictures (GIF, BMP, JPG, JPEG, TIF, TIFF, PhotoShop PSD, WMF, EMF, AI, EPS, and Icon ICO), videos (Movies MOV, AVI, MPEG, MPG, MP2, Music files MP3, WAV, Windows Media ASF, WMA, WMV, WM, and RealAudio RAM, emails (Microsoft Outlook, Outlook Express, Netscape Mail, and Qualcomm Eudora), programs (.EXE, .BAT, .COM and .PIF), documents (Microsoft Word DOC, DOT, DOCHTML, DOTHTML, WordPerfect WP, WPD, and Write WRI), spreadsheets, vital Windows components, and anything else, right from your PC, digital camera, MP3 player, Compact Flash, SmartMedia, Memory Stick, and other digital devices connected to your computer.

Extensive search features, along with the ability to preview deleted files before restoring them, help you find exactly what you’re looking for, quickly and easily. Additional features include Emergency Disk Imaging for mission-critical emergency situations, as well as informa-tion security tools to help keep your personal and confidential information out of the wrong hands. Search and Recover's unmatched feature list and highly advanced technology blows away the competition.The Emergency Disk Image tool gives you a powerful way to protect critical files, manage partitions and safely recover deleted files. Emergency Disk Image let you: - Create a byte-for-byte clone of an existing drive or partition — including all deleted files — for storage elsewhere. - Create a virtual drive that can be formatted, mounted, compressed and stored, and can contain folders or files that appear as they would on your hard drive.

click the link below if you want to download files: 

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Thursday, June 23, 2011

GetDataBack for NTFS 2.31

GetDataBack will recover your data if the hard drive's partition table, boot record, MTF or root directory are lost or damaged, data was lost due to a virus attack, the drive was formatted, fdisk has been run, a power failure has caused a system crash, files were lost due to a software failure, files were accidentally deleted... Recover even when Windows doesn't recognize the drive - GetDataBack can even recover your data when the drive is no longer recognized by Windows.

click the link below if you want to download files:

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GetDataBack for FAT 2.31

GetDataBack will recover your data if the hard drive’s partition table, boot record, FAT/MFT or root directory are lost or damaged, data was lost due to a virus attack, the drive was formatted, fdisk has been run, a power failure has caused a system crash, files were lost due to a software failure, files were accidentally deleted

click the link below if you want to download files:

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Get Data Back v3.30

GetDataBack is highly advanced data-recovery software that will help you to get your data back when your drive's partition table, boot record, Master File Table, or root directory is corrupted or lost, when a virus hits the drive, when files have been deleted, when the drive has been formatted, or when the drive has been struck by a power failure. GetDataBack can even recover your data when the drive is no longer recognized by the operating system or not only the root directory but all directory information is lost. Advanced algorithms will make sure all directories and subdirectories are put together as they were, and that long filenames are reconstructed correctly. GetDataBack is safe because it's read-only, which means the program will never attempt to write to the drive you're about to recover.

click the link below if you want to download files:


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